4 Stress Relieving Bedroom Items to Add to Your Home

4 Stress Relieving Bedroom Items to Add to Your Home

4 Stress Relieving Bedroom Items to Add to Your Home

Did you know that you spend about one-third of your life in your bedroom? It’s no wonder your bedroom needs to be a relaxing space where you can take time for yourself. Luckily, you don’t need a complete overhaul to make it a soothing oasis. Here are four stress-relieving bedroom items to add to your home today!

An Essential Oil Diffuser


It’s a fact that scents can influence our mood! Studies have found that the smell of lavender is proven to reduce anxiety, so why not purchase an essential oil diffuser to make your room smell like relaxation? Not only does diffused oil have relaxing properties, but it can help you fall asleep quicker and sleep more soundly, which is definitely a stress-reliever.

Fresh Flowers


Fresh flowers don’t just look great, they make you feel great too! Nancy L. Etcoff, a clinical researcher in psychology at Harvard Medical School, performed a study that found people felt less negative after being around flowers at home for just a few days. Plus, those people reported feeling happier and having more enthusiasm and energy at work too!

White Noise Machine


Another proven way to relieve stress is to sleep with a white noise machine. White noise isn’t disruptive because it emits a steady sound and it blocks out other noise. Plus, research has shown that many people sleep better with white noise, especially if anxiety is what’s keeping you awake at night. If you don’t want to buy a white noise machine, you can also set up a fan in the corner for a perfect way to achieve ultimate relaxation on a budget!

Warm Lights


Fluorescent lights emit blue light, which is known to cause problems with sleep, and even raise stress levels. Instead, you should opt for warmer light or even install red or pink lights in your bedroom to get a better night’s sleep and reduce stress.

During this difficult time, there’s nothing like unwinding in a bedroom that’s designed to be a stress reliever. Upgrading your bedroom with these four items is a simple way to make your life more enjoyable, and your room more relaxing. For more information about homes, décor, and upcoming projects, be sure to follow the SkyHomes’ blog series!

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